Why #WeTogether

The Me Too movement was founded in 2006 and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault on women. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations.

in 2016 #MenToo or Men Too movement started as a movement in India as a response against false sexual harassment allegations and what appeared to be discrimination against men

When Bettina Arndt became a public voice speaking on behalf of men, the volume of arguments increased between those in both movements. And although both movements had a part to play in raising awareness of harassment, abuse and inequalities, neither will be the solution.

Both Movements are locked in Emotional Empathy, with people taking sides and pointing fingers. Women telling men to “tell tour mates to stop raping women” and other highly volatile comments, do nothing to find solutions. They exacerbate the problem, alienate and drive wedges between men and women who previously weren't part of the problem.

I realised that solutions can only be found when we step beyond Emotional Empathy and step into Compassionate Empathy. Only when men and women work together; put blaming aside and have meaningful and respectful conversations, can we find solutions and create better communities. This is when I  created the #WeTogether initiative and started The Campfire Project

Find The Campfire Project here >

What is The Campfire Project

The Campfire Project is a closed group that’s open to men and women to join. It’s a place to bring boys into manhood and help men become better men. It’s a place to grow a global community based on mutual and respectful relationships, which is what I am all about. The Campfire Project is my 'passion based' non commercial project. It is my attempt at helping to build stronger relationships, families and a global community.

As so many men told me that they were confused about their role in business and in the families, I started it with a number of phases and progressions in mind. First as a safe place for men where they could give themselves permission to tell their own stories, in one-on-one Campfire Chats with me.

The next phase was to have those men join me on videoed Panel Discussions where we discuss issues affecting men, their partners, families and their communities.

Women had been in the group from day 1, to let them hear the men talk openly and to test how well the women could respect the men. The response was better than I could have hoped for.

Loving what they were hearing, the women then joined in on their own one-on-one video Campfire chats with me too.

The Panel discussions are now run with both men and women and the feedback of what they have been getting form #WeTogether and The Campfire Project can be seen in these couple of examples

The group (at the time of writing this) has 860 members, with more than 10% already having had a one-on-one Campfire Chat with me.

The next phase is about to launch with other men and women members conducting one-on-one and panel discussions. And all of those people are there because they want to give from the heart; giving their time to better their communities.

come join me

Come and join us !

Lyn Tod re Campfire Project 2020-03-03

When asked what the members would like changed or added

Testimonial Scott Mitcherson

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